The zodiac sign of those born on June 2 is Gemini. These are hardworking, intelligent, charismatic and assertive individuals. They have a wide range of interests and lead an active lifestyle. If we talk about today in general, then today is Jupiter Day.
Planets influence the fate of a person: myth or reality? On the pages of school textbooks or some modern scientific publications, you will come across statements that the influence of the planets on the fate of a person is nothing more than the superstit
So what are the stars and planets telling us today? The coming days are favorable for personal meetings and acquaintances, for creative activity, for everything related to art and aesthetics, for social events, exhibitions, beauty salons, for resolving c
Let's talk about the telescope this time, because it is he who is the main astronomical instrument. For example, do you know that a telescope with a concave mirror lens is called a reflector, and a telescope with a lens lens is called a refractor? The
Wednesday is the day Mercury rules.
April 12 - Mars Day. The energy of Mars can be used for those requiring a lot of strength and strong-willed pressure, personal initiative, receptivity, courage, courage, speed. Not surprisingly, on this day in 1961, the first man flew into space - Yuri G
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