General planetary influences

The coordinates of the planets and houses
Sun Taurus 11° 58'
Moon Aquarius 17° 8'
Mercury Aries 17° 35'
Venus Taurus 2° 57'
Mars Aries 0° 57'
Jupiter Taurus 24° 20'
Saturn Pisces 16° 43'
Uranus Taurus 22° 26'
Neptune Pisces 28° 57'
Pluto Aquarius 2° 6'
NDE Aries 15° 21'
ASC Sagittarius 24° 9'
II Aquarius 12° 37'
III Aries 4° 0'
IV Taurus 5° 11'
V Taurus 25° 5'
VI Gemini 10° 16'
VII Gemini 24° 9'
VIII Leo 12° 37'
IX Libra 4° 0'
MC Scorpio 5° 11'
XI Scorpio 25° 5'
XII Sagittarius 10° 16'
День планеты
Thursday - Jupiter

The Day of Jupiter. Energy of Jupiter may facilitate increased activity, expanding our horizons, expansion of our capabilities, an optimistic attitude to life. These energies favor the start of promising projects, great undertakings and plans in general, and development of plans. Symbolics of Jupiter is favorable for prominent meetings and events. It is good to start voyages, trips, communicate with the representatives of other states and cultures, education and training. To request help and support, meet famous and status persons. To solve legal issues, for foreign projects. Fortunate for public and political events, advertizing campaigns.

Градус Солнца
Градус Солнца 11° 58′ Taurus

Degree of Vulcan and Virgo, destroying health

The house of Venus. Degree of loyalty and modesty. Often brings about devoted friends, good peaceful society, universal sympathy, artistry (ASA) . Constancy, benevolence, friendship. commercial talent (Kefer). Architecture; experimental scientists (deVore)

"A young couple walk down the main street, looking at the shop windows". Inner interest in the external life, resulting in full participation and achievements. Projecting yourself. Ability to appreciate (Radjar)

Фазы Луны
Waning Gibbous. Fourth phase

Decrescent moon (from Full Moon till Dark Moon). Tt is time when the Moon follows the Sun. It is time when it is better to work on quality assurance, iron out details, bring to the due level. Any types of fasting diets, fasts, cleansing procedures are better to carry out in the decrescent Moon. It is believed that parting with something you want to get rid of and completing something are more efficient in the decrescent Moon. For example, leaving your current job in the decrescent Moon is preferable, and starting the new one is better with the increscent Moon.

The forth phase (270-360). You are wise and experienced already. Put into the "piggy bank" whatever deserves it and is viable, and overboard whatever turned to be unnecessary and disturbing. Make room for new affairs and next endeavors. Pay the debts, make final settlements, deliver on promises and have it coming. Do not forget to thank somehow those who served you in any way assisted and was sympathetic to your problems and business. Go by the rules and the proved methods. It is not the time for experiments, especially if you are not quite ready for them. It is time to correct mistakes and ground soften for future crops. And be sure to take at least a small break before the next "breakthrough". The more so because a lot of people feel the loss of strength, get tired quicker before the Full Moon, their reaction slows down.

Луна без курса
Луна без курса 12:28 - 21:51

The Moon void-of-course.

Unproductive time. Postpone important meetings, negotiations, start of new projects, signature of important documents, financial deals and other events of great importance.

Аспекты Луны
Moon sextile Mercury 00:48

It is favorable for communication, meetings, talks, exchange of views, trips, new ideas, recreation activities. It is good to collect and process information, render agency services, solve issues, related to training, advertisement. Intellectual activity, working with equipment.

Moon square Uranus 09:05

There may be unexpectedness, high anxiety. There is increased probability of accidents, equipment faults. Hard times for projects related to equipment, information and computer technologies. It is better to schedule flights for another time too.

Moon square Jupiter 12:28

It is not the best time for important meetings, approval of plans, starting journeys, launching important projects, meetings with foreign partners, investments, educational and legal events.

Лунный день
Twenty-third lunar day 00:00 - 03:24

Symbol - Makara crocodile (a murderous mix of crocodile, fish, bird and snake that devours everything), Cerberus, Chimera, Echidna.

This period is too hard - it is one of seduction days. It is related to violence, destruction of the old, a radical reform. A human instinct to capture, persistent appetite, a tendency to saying nonsense, struggles and adventures come out easily this day.

Meanwhile, sexual energy of this day undermines health. The day of rampant vampires and bloodsuckers, it can be a day of self-sacrifice, confession, understanding and forgiveness. It is dangerous to indulge in anger, gluttony, do not cut nails, undertake surgery, do not lead sedentary life. The twenty third day shall be the fasting season, the period of abstinence, caution and accuracy, gaining strength and possible healing.

It is a day to secure your house, which you should clean and sprinkle with holy water, clean the doorsteps with candle light, smudge the rooms with wild rosemary and omum plant.

This day is also associated with bullying, persecution, exile, beware of facing the angry crowd, resist provocation, the temptation of revenge. During the day of a crocodile exclude eating meat food; dairy products are preferred - drink more milk, eat cottage cheese and other dairy products, make cheese pastries (in ancient Persia the god of Vatra -the guardian of the hearth) and put nuts in them.

Be specially thoughful of your health on the 23rd lunar day. The spine is the most vulnerable. Welleness and health-protecting procedures will be of help. Illnesses of this day are long-lasting.

Stones - cairngorum, black nephrite, crocodylite, sard.

Twenty-fourth lunar day 03:24 - 24:00

Symbol - a bear, a rock, a mountain.

This lunar day contains huge transforming and creative power. It is a time to destroy the old and create the new. Good practice is starting new big deals, go ahead with global projects. The day is related to construction. It was the very day they laid in pyramides in Ancient Egypt.

A nice day for active creative work, medical treatment and health strengthening. Power physical exercises are of particular assistance. It is good to be in nature, prepare and drink herbal brews. The day is favorable for awakening and transformation of sexual energy.

You need to eat stodgy food, as energy will burn anyway, do not fast, drink less and do not consume food, containing much liquid.

As for medical matter, the reproduction system is most vulnerable.

Stones -black jasper, airy obsidian (depth translucent), malachite, blue nephrate, grossular.

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