
ASC - 18 ° Virgin
2 House - 11 ° Libra
3 House - 10 ° Scorpio
MS - 15 ° Gemini (degree of genius, some dispersion and superficiality)
11 House - 21 ° Cancer
12 House - 22 ° Leo (degree of degradation, from there he and the disease in recent years)
THE SUN - 13 ° Leo (degree of genius)
LUNA - 7 ° of Cancer (courage, strength, iron will; both luminaries are in their abode, in their places)
MERCURY - 17 ° Leo (in conjunction with the SUN and all this in the 11th House; moreover, the SUNNY is Almutenus 11th House)
VENUS - 22 ° Virgo (degree of perversion; VENUS is in the fall)
MARS - 19 ° Virgin (located on ASC with VENUS)
JUPITER - 22 ° of the Virgin (in exact connection with VENUS; and this whole troika is at ASC; the classic example of man is 1 of the House; he has laid a path for himself; Jupiter is in exile)
SATURN - 21 ° Aries (exactly in the degree of his own fall; which means he will have fallen SATURN)
URANIUM - 2 ° Taurus (fallen URAN) NEPTUN (p) - 6 ° Pisces
PLUTO - 28 ° Aries (PLUTO on the status of evil).
SATURN, URANUS and PLUTON hit the 8th House of the horoscope, and the Significator and the Elevator 8 There are also houses. As you can see, his tragedy is present. PROZERPINA - 24 ° Leo (heavy degree)
Chiron (p) - 6 ° Capricorn of the Voskh. KNOT - 15 ° Leo (in conjunction with the SUN and MERCURY in 11 House)
SUNSET. KNOT-15 ° Aquarius
LILITH - 3 ° Aquarius
 SELENA - 1 ° Leo (the opposition of Black and White Moon).
He has a whole planetary core in 11 House (in Cancer). The Significator of the 11th House (URAN) is in the 8th House, which is the 10th House for the 11th House, that is, an awareness of freedom, innovations, friends go through his destruction. Between Almutin 11 House - the SUN and the Signifier of this House there is a karmic aspect - 100 degrees is the sentagon, the aspect of predestination.
So Almutin and the Significator are interconnected. Almuten and Elevator are also connected.
NEPTUN and URAN are in sextile, in 11 House there is a core of the planets, and moreover fatal, as there is a KNOT.
In addition, 11 House has many aspects from other planets and it turns out that 11 House is the center of gravity of the entire horoscope. Plus, Almuten House 11 is in its own House, which further strengthens its action.
Time 11 The house is strong, what kind of person will it be?
Maupassant is a free person who does not fit into the framework associated with contacts, with information, with creativity, since MERCURY is located at 17 ° Leo. This is a writer's degree and, moreover, MERCURY in Leo gives good oratorical abilities.
The most interesting thing is that the sign of the Zodiac, in which there is 11 House, Leo and the sign of Aquarius (corresponding to 11 Home) oppose each other through the opposition LILIT and SELENA.
He really had a problem of spiritual choice. The mystery of Light and Darkness passed through 5 and 11 houses of the horoscope. He had no right to make a mistake, especially since MERCURY, Almuten ASC (one of the Almutenov ASC), is also in the 11th house. Virgin also controls PROZERPINA and MERCURY, which is in conjunction with the SUN, the main Almutin 11 House. So it all depends on his personal position.
There is also a relationship between House 1 and House 11, so he made the choice himself and was responsible for it. Hence, he has an isolated position, disobeying any frameworks and laws, the desire to play the role of a loner, not falling into the rhythm of the surrounding World, a tendency towards a select circle of friends.
With them, he behaved like a real Leo, but it was difficult for him to do this because of the opposition of LILIT and SELENI, because the Lion's core of the cosmogram contradicted the position of the 11th House.
Of course, he is a strong Leo: SUN, MERCURY, PROZERPINA, RISING KNOT and SELENI! Therefore, he was drawn to power, to beauty and luxury. But he himself had to make a choice. A lot of unpredictable phenomena arise in his life, and he loses his own strength and support. That is why 11 people at home will always look for friends among their own kind, otherwise no one will help him.
Slogan 11 of the House - “be easier, and the people will reach out to you”. Of course, Leo is easier, he is initially charming, magnetically attracts people to him.


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